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Preparation stages for a successful risk assessment

 To prepare for a risk assessment, there are mandatory actions that the organizer must perform before a survey, and that the surveyor must perform during the survey, here are some best practices:

Defining the scope of the scope to perform: Start by defining the scope of the risk survey evaluation you want to perform. What are the specific obligations under review, and what are the potential risks involved?

A clear definition of the scope of execution will help to focus the efforts to reduce and focus the survey activities and ensure that important things are not overlooked.

Identifying risks: identifying all the potential risks related to the instructions, the process, the operation, and the system being tested. This may include physical risks, operational risks, environmental risks arising from interfacing with other environments, and behavioral risks.

Risk assessment: the assessment of the risks associated with each pre-identified hazard. Consider the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the severity of the possible consequences. This will help to determine at the end a prioritization for the flow procedure of the survey and the examination of the risks. Define which types of risks require focus and attention.

Determining risk control measures: identifying and prioritizing control measures in the survey process that can be tested to reduce the level of risk as early as the survey identification phase. This may include changes in work processes, system controls, logs (records) transferred for examination, and more. Determining control measures after the survey or at the end of a risk clearance validation call.

Implementation of risk control measures: Once control measures are identified, implement them as soon as possible to reduce the risk of harm. This may involve routing systems, routing logs, training staff in work instructions, purchasing a new system, or changing work processes.

Monitoring and testing: Monitor the effectiveness of the existing risk control measures and regularly check that risk assessments are being carried out to ensure that the risk assessment is current and accurate. This will help identify new risks that may arise over time.

With the implementation of this recommended work method, one can effectively prepare for risk assessment according to a checklist and a flowing process of duties for the survey organizer, to identify and reduce dealing with risks that are ineffective or within the organizational tolerance or appetite for risk, thereby ensuring that the survey will be efficient and effective.